Customize Your Fluff Monkey
Fluffy, Yet Rugged!
Okay, it's time to have some fun! If you like designing your own stuff, you've come to the right place!
Each and every Fluff Monkey is handmade and carefully crafted with up to 45 colors and prints to choose from. Each is rugged and built to withstand years of rough leather buffing and polishing.
We're ready to craft a Fluff Monkey that'll give you or someone you love years of stylish enjoyment!
Here's How It Works
- Choose from 3" ($23.95) or 4" sizes ($26.95)
- Select 1 (min) - 12 colors (max)
- Enter your quantity
- Use the 45 color swatches (below) for reference
- Submit your order to the Shopping Cart
- Be sure all of the required fields are complete
- Choose your preferred shipping method
- Pay securely using PayPal
- Wait for your new Fluff Monkey to arrive!
PLEASE NOTE: We are currently ONLY accepting online payments via PayPal.
However, if you wish to make an order via your credit card, CLICK HERE to send your request.